
by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you are reading this post, you have probably received a letter or email from me with a document attached called Interrogatories. This happens in every personal injury case – and almost every other lawsuit of any kind. Please read this post over and call me if you have any questions. What are Interrogatories? It...

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What Happens After Settlement of Your Personal Injury Case

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 4 minutes

This post is designed to explain the process you can expect after we settle your personal injury case. Once we agree on a settlement amount, the insurer has to send us paperwork confirming the settlement. I don’t have it yet. They usually send it through the US mail and it may take a week or...

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What to Bring to a Personal Injury Consultation

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Southern Maryland truck accident lawyer

This post discusses what happens at your consultation for your Waldorf, Maryland personal injury case. This post is also a list of things you should bring with you if you can. None of this is required, of course. All we really need to see is you. If you have the following information and can bring...

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Road Map of a Personal Injury Case

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 8 minutes

This post gives you a road map of the “usual” personal injury case in Waldorf, Maryland, Charles County, Maryland, or St. Mary’s County, Maryland. I wrote it to give my clients, and prospective clients, a good general outline of what to expect if you have a personal injury case because of a car accident or...

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Preparing For Your Chapter 13 Trustee Meeting Of Creditors

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Bankruptcy & Foreclosure | Reading Time: 10 minutes

This page is for our current bankruptcy clients. We created it to help prepare them for a formal meeting called a 341 meeting of creditors in a Chapter 13 case. (Click Preparing for Your Chapter 7 for a similar article) A typical bankruptcy case does not involve a lot of confrontation. The one place it...

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Liens in Personal Injury Cases

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you are reading this, it usually means I asked you to because some entity has asserted a lien on the proceeds of your personal injury case. This post will explain what liens are, how they affect your case, and what we can do about them. Call me to discuss it if we have not...

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PPD Rating – Time to File Issues

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Workers' Compensation | Reading Time: 2 minutes

This article explains what happens when I receive your permanent partial disability (PPD) rating from our doctor. Please read it over, and call me if you have any questions. As you know, we sent you to a doctor to get a PPD rating. I just received it. Here is what happens from this point on....

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Preparing For Your Chapter 7 Trustee Meeting Of Creditors

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Bankruptcy & Foreclosure | Reading Time: 9 minutes

This page is for our current bankruptcy clients. We created it to help prepare them for a formal meeting called a 341 meeting of Creditors in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. (Click Preparing for Your Chapter 13 for a similar article) A typical bankruptcy case does not involve a lot of confrontation. The one place it...

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Uninsured Motorist Claims

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 9 minutes

If you buy car insurance in Maryland, you will likely purchase something called uninsured motorist coverage. Attorneys call it UM for short. You may see it abbreviated as “UM/UIM” on your car insurance declarations page. Almost nobody understands it when they buy it. Maryland state law sort of forces it on you. So, most people...

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by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 8 minutes

If you are reading this, and you are one of my personal injury clients, chances are your deposition has been scheduled. Please read this over and call me if you have any questions. We are going to meet before your deposition to prepare for it. But you will be much better prepared for your deposition if...

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