Maryland’s Smoke Alarm Laws & Safety Advice on Upgrading

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Southern Maryland truck accident lawyer

It’s daylight savings time again – when you are supposed to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors. This year, you should consider replacing more than batteries. You probably have the wrong type of smoke detector in your house! When we bought our house it came with the original issue smoke detectors. That January there was...

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Maryland Divorce Law Changes in 2023

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Family Law | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Maryland divorce laws are getting a major overhaul this year, effective October 1, 2023. These changes are designed to bring Maryland into the modern age and make getting a divorce less time consuming and expensive. It is also supposed to dramatically cut down the fighting between divorcing couples. While that last goal remains to be...

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New Maryland Laws Taking Effect October 1, 2023

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Maryland legislature was unusually busy this past session, and they passed a lot of new Maryland laws. Some took effect in July (like the marijuana legislation) but most take effect October 1, 2023. While hundreds of laws are passed each year, we have tried to focus on the laws most likely to affect you...

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Gun Laws in Maryland

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 8 minutes

This is a topic that has certainly been in the news recently, especially after last year’s Supreme Court opinion. If you are a gun owner, and especially if you want to carry a concealed firearm, you better know the laws on this subject. Maryland is not exactly a gun friendly state. We have a lot...

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Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Insurance

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 8 minutes

Maryland passed a law not long ago that allowed for “stacking” of underinsured motorist coverage in your car insurance policy. This dramatically changes the way your car insurance works. But you have to know about it, and choose it if you want it. The insurer does not want you to choose this option, and they...

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Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law – Criminal Law Version

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have previously written about Maryland’s law protecting good Samaritans who render aid during an emergency situation. They cannot be sued in civil court. You can read all about the civil version of Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law in our blog post here. I recently found out that Maryland also has a similar law protecting Good...

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Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law – Civil Version

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Lawyers and lawsuits do sometimes get in the way of good common sense. We admit it. But we feel that you should never expose yourself to legal trouble simply by helping someone at the scene of a car accident or other emergency. The law should protect people who want to be a hero by helping...

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The Advance Medical Directive

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Wills & Estates | Reading Time: 6 minutes

Senior couple meeting a lawyer for legal assistance.

What would happen to you if you had a major medical emergency, and you were in a coma or vegetative state? Unless you have already taken steps to provide legal instructions otherwise, the hospital will use all reasonable means to keep you alive – whether you want that or not. The document that gives you...

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New Maryland Laws Effective Today

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 5 minutes

If it’s October, you can bet Maryland has some new laws. October 1 is when most new Maryland laws take effect. As per usual, we have the rundown of the new Maryland laws that are likely to affect you the most. Share this with friends and family. Everyone should know this stuff. Rear Facing Child...

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Punitive Damages in Maryland Personal Injury Cases – Can You Get That?

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Personal Injury | Reading Time: 3 minutes

In a recent personal injury case in another state, a jury awarded $7 billion (yes, that is with a “b”) in punitive damages to the family of a lady who was murdered by her cable repairman. This award was on top of $375 million in actual compensatory damages for the personal injury case. Could something...

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