Everybody Lies on Social Media—Just Ask Bankruptcy Asset Hunters

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Bankruptcy & Foreclosure | Reading Time: 3 minutes

Foreclosure mediation in Maryland.

Bankruptcy asset hunters are just now discovering what many Facebookers have known for a long time: not everything is as it seems on social media. In fact, people often just plain lie! “Asset hunting” is a special job in bankruptcy cases. When an asset hunter is assigned to a debtor’s case, it’s their job to...

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Divorce Lawyer Bills His Client For Their Affair

by Nasheia Conway | Posted in Family Law | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Attorney Faces Suspension for Unethical Affair and Billing Scandal A divorce lawyer has been indefinitely suspended from practicing law after having an affair with his client. But that isn’t the worst part. He was also billing her for the time they were together conducting their affair! Wow. That is a new low! According to news...

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Deaf Killers in a Video World

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Laughing @ Lawyers | Reading Time: < 1 minute

A man in Southern Maryland arrested and handcuffed on his back.

This Stupid Criminal story comes to us from down under in Australia. It seems there were four young people living together in an apartment. One of them was not exactly in good graces with his roommates, so the other three decided to kill him. They plotted his death together, arguing over whether they should strangle...

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Your Lawyer Will Be A Robot One Day

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Laughing @ Lawyers | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Will Robots Replace Your Attorney? If you think replacing lawyers with robots is a good idea (there are about a million lawyer jokes that come to mind when I write that), you may be in luck. A new report by a tech consulting firm says that within 15 years, robots will replace most lawyers. This...

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Workers’ Comp Fraud by Beauty Queen

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Laughing @ Lawyers | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Workers’ compensation fraud is not funny. Luckily, it is also pretty rare. I have had very few clients caught on video doing something they claimed they couldn’t do, but I could count them on one hand. That is pretty good for an 18 year career so far. But sometimes, a workers’ comp fraud case is...

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Weird & Whacky Food Laws

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Laughing @ Lawyers | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here are some weird and whacky food laws from around the world: France banned the use of tomato ketchup in elementary schools in 2011. Children tend to use ketchup to hide the taste of food, and the French authorities thought this was nothing less than an assault on their culture. In Singapore, it is illegal...

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Back To The Future 2 – What? No Lawyers?

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Laughing @ Lawyers | Reading Time: < 1 minute

Back to the Future II

Ok. So I was geeky enough to watch Back To The Future 2 on “Back To The Future Day” with the rest of the nerds. In case you missed the avalanche of news stories and social media posts, yesterday was October 21, 2015 – the day that Marty and Doc go forward to the future...

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