Legal Guide to Charitable Giving in Maryland

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 4 minutes

Couple settling their own car accident case.

Charitable giving is wonderful and noble. Our firm supports a number of local charities and community organizations. I know the importance of their fund raising. However, we also know that some people try to use a fake charity to scam others out of their money. So we would like to give you some tips to...

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How to Act in Court

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Preparing for a court date can be a lot like preparing for a job interview or a first date. You’re nervous, you don’t know what to wear, and you will be worried about saying the wrong things. It’s important to make a good impression! The fact finder (whether that is the jury or a judge)...

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Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law – Criminal Law Version

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have previously written about Maryland’s law protecting good Samaritans who render aid during an emergency situation. They cannot be sued in civil court. You can read all about the civil version of Maryland’s Good Samaritan Law in our blog post here. I recently found out that Maryland also has a similar law protecting Good...

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Identity Theft: If It Happens to You (Part 2)

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 6 minutes

This is Part 2 of our series on what to do if your identity is stolen. If you are the victim of identity theft, you must read Part 1 of our series, which outlines the first 5 steps you must make immediately to stop the damage to your credit. This post is all about how...

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Identity Theft: If It Happens to You (Part 1)

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Hackers, skimmers, and data thieves are a part of modern life. As a result, identity theft is a very real problem that could happen to any of us. There are a million articles out there advising you how to avoid this painful experience. You should read them and take their advice. However, what do you...

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What To Do BEFORE You Lose Your Wallet

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 4 minutes

One of our staff members recently had to deal with a stolen wallet. Someone then used her debit card to buy expensive computers online, which caused an overdraft of her account. Her bank put a hold on her account, and she had no money for a week before this was cleared up. It was a...

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What To Do AFTER You Lose Your Wallet

by Dave Gormley | Posted in Civil Law & Consumer | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Fan of credit cards.

One of our staff members recently had to deal with a stolen wallet. Someone then used her debit card to buy expensive computers online, which caused an overdraft of her account. Her bank put a hold on her account, and she had no money for a week before this was cleared up. It was a...

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Horror Stories from Divorce Cases

by Nasheia Smith | Posted in Family Law | Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tales from the Courtroom Some horror stories in court are worse than any movie Hollywood ever came out with. We have some “horror stories” from lawyers about divorce cases they were involved in. On a popular website, there was a recent request for divorce lawyers to tell their most outrageous stories of divorce and child...

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The Settlement Process for Workers’ Comp Claims in Maryland

by Tucker Clagett | Posted in Workers' Compensation | Reading Time: 6 minutes

The Workers’ Comp Settlement Process: From Agreement to Payment in Maryland This post explains the process from the moment you agree to a settlement of your Maryland workers’ compensation claim, until you actually get a check in your hand. However, when it comes to workers’ compensation claim settlements, agreeing on the numbers is only the...

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