Content Reviewed by:
Tucker Clagett •
Vertified Content
Apr 23, 2019
| Read Time: 2 minutes
(Originally posted 2011 and update in 2019)
The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) may have done something right for a change.
Do you want to make sure the right people can be contacted in a medical emergency when you can’t speak for yourself?
Do you want to be sure YOU can be contacted in an emergency if something happens to a parent, or your grandmother?
The MVA has created a way to link 3 phone numbers to your drivers’ license numbers as emergency contacts.
And the real wonder is that it is convenient to set up! You can do it on line in few minutes.
All you need is your Driver’s License number, date of birth and last 4 digits of your social security number (which is used as your PIN).
This could save vital time in emergency. Being with your family over the holidays is the perfect time to set this up. You will need personal information like their drivers’ license number and SSN.
If you have children, parents, friends or relatives who drive, make sure they have taken advantage of this feature. This could be especially important for someone who lives alone. Even if they have a cell phone with contacts, which number in that list is a Doctor or EMS Tech supposed to call?
You can tell emergency services exactly who to call in an emergency by using this feature from MVA.
So to provide police and medical personnel with emergency contact tied to your drivers’ license, go to the MVA website and look for the “Online Services” tab, or section on the left side of the screen. There should be a link to click for “emergency contacts”. (The MVA has a bad website, so if these links don’t work Google “Maryland MVA emergency contact numbers.” In 2019, this direct link worked.)
Just follow the instructions once you get there.
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