Content Reviewed by:
Tucker Clagett •
Vertified Content
Jun 20, 2020
| Read Time: 3 minutes
If you are reading this post, it is probably because we have received a trial date for your personal injury case.
If I have a formal notice it is attached to the email I sent you. If it is coming later in the mail from the court, we will send it when we get it.
For now, the most important thing you can do is put that date on your calendar. Don’t make other plans for that day. This is a major event in your case and you have to be present.
Please arrange to take off work that day. If you need a letter from me to show your boss, please ask me and I will write one. I can also subpoena you if that becomes necessary.
Here is a question everyone has – do I calendar this date in pencil or pen? Will the trial get continued? The likelihood of this trial date actually happening depends on what court we are in.
Article Contents
District Court Trial Dates
If we are in District Court, you should write that court date on your calendar in pencil. You may be moving it.
District Court will move a personal injury trial date at the drop of a hat. Any number of things can happen to continue the case. The Court may move it on their own, or the other attorney may file for a continuance.
In District Court cases, the Court sets the trial date before we even serve the summons on the other party. So the other attorney may need a continuance the moment the enter the case.
District Court operates like an airline – they overbook cases hoping things will drop out. Therefore, they are quick to bump your case because they cannot possibly accommodate everything they actually set on one day.
We will keep you informed if anything happens to bump your trial date.
Circuit Court Trial Dates
Circuit Court is the exact opposite. They treat that date like a major event. They book the Courtroom and the Judge for the entire day. They call a jury in to hear your personal injury case.
They do NOT like continuing a trial date in Circuit Court and usually will not unless there is an emergency. If we are in Circuit Court, you should put that date on your calendar in pen.
Either way, please reserve the trial date and do not make any plans.
Please call me if you have any questions or concerns after reading this. We will obviously talk a lot more as the litigation process continues, and as your personal injury trial gets closer.
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