Content Reviewed by:
Dave Gormley •
Vertified Content
Jan 14, 2020
| Read Time: 2 minutes
The two easiest options I have found are the Down Under garage the Hanover dead ends into at a Lombard Street, and the Baltimore Parking Authority garage on the north east corner of Howard and Lombard Streets. Since you are going into the Court House you will be going thru a metal detector. When you have made past security you can head straight up the stairs or take the elevators to the second floor.
If you headed up the stairs head off to the left and follow the signs to the Trustee’s Meeting Room #2650. When you enter the room there is a waiting area and three meeting rooms.
Check the dockets on the bulletin board and see if you will be in room A, B or C.
If your Trustee has a questionnaire to complete you may get a copy off the book case and head into the room to watch some meetings and wait for your attorney to arrive.
Return to Chapter 7, Return to Chapter 13.
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