Content Reviewed by:
Tucker Clagett •
Vertified Content
May 16, 2020
| Read Time: 2 minutes
But what most Maryland drivers don’t know is that your car insurance can refuse to renew your policy for “not at fault” claims too – if you have too many of them.
If you have three or more “not at fault” claims in three years, Maryland law allows your car insurer to refuse to renew your policy. That includes comprehensive claims, uninsured/underinsured motorist claims, and PIP claims.
What about “at fault” claims, such as causing a car accident or personal injury case? It only takes two “at fault” claims in two years before an insurer can refuse to renew your policy.
And, just to make matters more confusing, they can turn you down for any combination of three at fault claims or moving violations in a three year period.
But they do have to give you proper notice and you can protest.
Conclusion & Next Steps
Most Maryland drivers don’t know is that your car insurance can refuse to renew your policy for “not at fault” claims too – if you have too many of them.
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