Content Reviewed by:
Dave Gormley •
Vertified Content
Apr 2, 2021
| Read Time: 2 minutes
Last year in 2020, I wrote an article about what to do with your government stimulus check. We’ve gotten two more since then, and my advice has changed.
Last year the right answer was to save it as an emergency fund for the coming pandemic, and to use it to pay down debt if you made it through the emergency. But 2020 is now behind us. The lockdowns are easing up. The economy is reopening. What if you still have all that debt?
Now may be the time to consider ALL of your options so you can make 2021 the year you get your fresh start.
Sure you can pay down debt with that $1,400. Is that really going to make a difference?
If your debt has gotten so high that this $1,4000 will just make a dent in it, and next month you are right back where you started, then it may be time to consider plan B.
We offer anyone in debt a consultation so they can explore ALL of their options. That includes bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is the ultimate option for wiping out that debt and getting a fresh start. It isn’t always the right answer, but sometimes it is.
You should at least know your options. If you don’t know ALL of your options, how can you make an informed, intelligent decision? How can you choose the right path forward?
Next Steps
First, you can read about it. We wrote the Free Legal Guide to Bankruptcy in Maryland so you can quickly and easily figure out the answers to your legal questions about bankruptcy. You can read it right now in about 15 minutes.
Second, get a consultation. We offer a free consultation to anyone who wants to discuss their bankruptcy options, or just to review their plans to get out of debt. We will explain what we can – and can’t – do to help you with your debt. We will work hard to get you that fresh start everyone wants. It’s free, so you have nothing to lose.
It requires a consultation because everyone’s case is different. There are a number of variables we have to consider under the law. We can do consultations in person, or by phone, or by Zoom. You can pick which is most convenient for you.
So please contact us today and one or our staff will schedule you in to talk to me directly about your personal situation.