Content Reviewed by:
Dave Gormley •
Vertified Content
May 29, 2020
| Read Time: 3 minutes
When you file for bankruptcy in Southern Maryland you need to take two classes. They can be done online or over the phone. There is a Credit Counseling Class that you take before you file. After you file, you need to complete the Debtor Education Class so your case will be closed with a discharge.
Most people find these classes take about two hours to complete. The second class usually takes a little longer than the first. Don’t worry, you can’t fail these classes. The first class is designed to help you make a good decision about filing for bankruptcy. The second class is set up to give you information about financial management.
When Should I Take The Classes
When you file a bankruptcy case you need to provide a certificate showing you have completed the first class within 180 days before you filed. Our recommendation is that you take this class after you have completed our bankruptcy packet and just before you have us paid in full. This way you will have all the information you need to complete the class in front of you. Usually about three weeks after you have paid us in full we will have your case ready for you to review and sign the petition so it can be filed with the Court.
A good time to take the second class is about three weeks after your case is filed. This way you will have the class completed before you go to meet with the Trustee that has been assigned to your case. While don’t really have to have the class completed this soon, it is nice to just have it done and out of the way. You also will be able to say “Yes” when we ask you if you have completed the second class when we are getting you ready to go meet with the Trustee.
To save you some time we have picked a couple of providers that you may want to use. For a list of all of the approved providers see the US Department of Justice Website.
VIA THE INTERNET – (Most popular method)
- Click on the DebtorEdu Online Debtor Education Course website:
- Select the Pre-Filing Credit Counseling course to sign up (The fee is $14.95 per household. If you are filing jointly, this will be the total fee for the course.)
- List David Gormley as your attorney and his email address is if requested
- Once you’ve completed the course, please make sure to print out the completed certificate
- Proceed to Step 3 and the Bankruptcy Check List
- Contact our office @301-645-4100 or 301-843-1950 so that we can enroll you for the course. The regular fee is $50.00, however, with our pre-registration you are automatically given a $15.00 discount for a total fee of $35.00 per household
- You will be issued a User ID and Password
- Call the Debt Education and Certificate Foundation at (866) 859-7323. When asked provide Mr. Gormley’s Attorney Code of BTX90615 and your User ID information
- Once you’ve completed the course, please make sure to print out the completed certificate
- Proceed to Step 3 and the Bankruptcy Check List
If you want to see a complete list of approved providers go to the Credit Counseling Provider list approved by the UST, -click on the link for credit counseling and debtor education on the left hand side of the website.
Discover What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy in Maryland – Click here to see our Free Legal Consumer Guide to Bankruptcy in Maryland. Or see the United States Courts Bankruptcy Basics page. Know your options. Be informed. Protect yourself.